CBD, also known as Cannabidiol, is one of the 113 cannabinoids identified in the cannabis plant and makes up 40% of the plant's extract. While THC is the component that causes the euphoric effect associated with marijuana, CBD has been shown to have anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant and anxiolytic properties. Clinical research from 2019 has shown that CBD can help with a wide range of mental and physical ailments, including anxiety, depression, cancer, insomnia, stress, chronic pain and much more. At Dropbis, we believe that CBD can be an effective supplement to your health and well-being.
CBD oil is a natural supplement that is claimed to help with physical and mental health issues such as: heart health, epileptic seizures, focus and memory, Alzheimer's, appetite, inflammation, sleep quality, glaucoma, joint pain and more.
CBD comes in three different forms: Full spectrum CBD, Broad Spectrum CBD and CBD Isolate. All forms contain cannabidiol, but the difference is in their content of other cannabinoids and compounds from the cannabis plant.
Full Spectrum CBD contains all cannabinoids from the cannabis plant, including CBD and THC, with THC levels less than 0.2%.
Broad Spectrum CBD contains all compounds from the cannabis plant, but THC has been removed.
CBD Isolate is CBD in its purest form and does not contain other compounds from the cannabis plant.
Studies show that Full Spectrum CBD is the most effective form of CBD. At Dropbis, we only sell Full Spectrum CBD oil to ensure the best quality for our customers.
CBD oil is legal throughout Europe as long as it complies with the European law of a maximum THC level of 0.2%. At Dropbis, we comply with all European laws and regulations regarding CBD and THC content in our products and can document this with our certified laboratory tests, which you can find here .
It is believed to be safe to drive after ingesting CBD oil as it does not contain high levels of THC, which is the substance that can cause euphoric effects and affect your ability to drive. However, it is important to note that certain CBD oils may contain traces of THC, so it is always a good idea to consult your doctor or research the contents of the product before taking it and driving. It should be noted that none of Dropbis' products contain more than 0.2% THC.
CBD oil does not require a prescription as it is a natural product. However, it is important to note that CBD can be prescribed by a doctor to treat mental or physical conditions. If you suffer from a condition and are considering taking CBD oil, you should therefore consult your doctor for professional advice on the best treatment for your condition.
There are several ways to consume CBD oil, but it is recommended to take it sublingually (under the tongue) to achieve the fastest effect, as the oil is absorbed in the oral mucosa. Many prefer to consume it with food and drink to hide the bitter taste, while others take it directly. Before use, the CBD oil should always be shaken thoroughly. It is also important to store the oil away from heat and sunlight in a cool room or refrigerator. To find the right dosage, it is recommended to follow our dosage guide here or consult a doctor. CBD oil is a natural product and does not require a prescription, but it may be a good idea to consult a doctor if you suffer from mental or physical conditions before starting to take CBD oil.
CBD oil should always be shaken well before use
Should be stored away from heat and sunlight and in a cool room or the refrigerator.
CBD oil usually begins to work after about an hour after consumption. However, if you are a new user, it is important to start with a low dose and gradually increase it over time. A typical dose is 4 drops morning and evening after a few weeks of CBD consumption. We recommend starting with 2 drops morning and evening the first week and increasing the dose to 3 drops morning and evening the following week. After 2 weeks, you can increase the dose to 4 drops morning and evening. It can take some time to find the right dosage, and some users can experience the effect already after a week, while others can take up to 1-3 months. Also remember to shake the bottle thoroughly before use and store it in a cool place away from heat and sunlight.
According to several studies, CBD oil can be used to relieve anxiety, depression and other symptoms. Research supports that CBD has a positive effect on various anxiety symptoms as it activates CB1 receptors in the brain's amygdala. When these receptors are blocked, anxiety can increase, making CBD a promising anxiolytic treatment. This has also been highlighted in an article from Forbes - read more here .
Studies have also suggested that CBD may have a beneficial effect against depression. This is because CBD is anti-inflammatory and can increase blood flow to the brain. In this way, CBD can help clear the body of accumulations of cortisol and other stress and inflammation-causing substances, thereby helping to treat depression.
Recent research has shown that certain substances in cannabis, including CBD, can have a pain-relieving effect.
The body has an endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for the regulation of various functions, such as sleep, appetite, pain perception and immune system response.
Endocannabinoids are neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors in the nervous system and regulate these functions.
Several studies have shown that CBD can help reduce chronic pain by affecting the activity of endocannabinoid receptors, reducing inflammation and interacting with neurotransmitters.
Furthermore, research has suggested that CBD may be effective against other types of pain, including nerve and back pain, when used alone. However, it has been shown to have the greatest effect when combined with THC, which is found in our Full Spectrum CBD oil.
To obtain the most effective intake of CBD, it is recommended to ingest it through the oral mucosa, typically by placing the drops under the tongue. Our CBD products come in oil form, and you can use the pipette to drip the drops directly under the tongue.
To store CBD oil properly, it is recommended to store the oil cool and away from sunlight. A good way to store the product is in the refrigerator.
CBD can be a useful natural supplement for relieving a wide range of mental and physical ailments, according to numerous scientific articles and studies. Some of these disorders include sleep deprivation, stress, depression, epilepsy, chronic pain, cancer, lack of appetite, and anxiety. However, it is important to remember that CBD is not a medicine, but rather a natural supplement. If you suffer from mental or physical ailments, always consult your doctor for help.
CBD oil is considered a natural supplement that can reportedly help with a wide range of physical and mental health issues, including heart health, seizures, focus and memory, Alzheimer's, appetite, inflammation, sleep quality, glaucoma, joint pain, and more.
However, it is important to point out that statements and information about CBD oil should not be considered medical or health advice. CBD oil cannot diagnose, treat or cure diseases, and should not be confused with medicine.
CBD oil is a natural supplement that cannot replace a healthy diet, and if you suffer from mental and/or physical conditions, you should seek help from your own doctor so that they can assess whether CBD or any other form of medicine is the best solution for you.
Contact us if you have any other questions